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6825 E Hampden Ave Suite 202, Denver, CO 80224
Telehealth for Colorado
All appointments are virtual only
Adam Stanford, LPC, LAC
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All services are online,
I do not meet in-person.
I am available to meet with anyone in Colorado.
My Hours
Mon-Thu: 10am-1pm, 3pm-7pm
Fri: 10am-1pm, 3pm-6pm
Phone: 720.560.3551
Fax: 720.674.8636
Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling
Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment
Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Anxiety Treatment
Depression Treatment
Addiction Recovery & Alcohol Treatment
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
6825 E Hampden Ave Suite 202, Denver, CO 80224
Directions from Denver
1. Take I-25 South towards Colorado Springs
2. Take exit 201 for CO-30 E
3. Turn left onto CO-30 E/E Hampden Ave
4. Turn left onto S Oneida Way
5. Turn left into the parking lot
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