Adam Stanford
- Apr 10, 2023
- 4 min
Adam Stanford
- Mar 20, 2023
- 3 min
Adam Stanford
- Feb 27, 2023
- 3 min
“What if I panic in front of everyone? What if I have a panic attack at work, or on a plane?”
“I can't believe I actually said that. Did I embarrass myself again? Are they mad? Do they hate me now?”
“Everyone can tell that I’m nervous, I just want to run away and hide.”
“Why do I hate calling people back or replying to text messages?”
“I’ll lose all my friends if I never hang out with them, but it feels so exhausting when I do.”
“This job is going to make me have a complete melt-down.”
“I really need to clean the house but I can’t even imagine getting started.”
“I really hate going to the doctor and dentist. They’re always going to find something wrong or make me feel guilty.”
“I know I’m supposed to relax but it feels like such a waste of time, I have too much to do.”
“Trying to focus on one thing is unbearably boring.”
“What if I make the wrong choice?”
“Everything is so irritating.”
“I’m always behind and I’ll never catch up.”
“I can get by on four hours of sleep.”
“Something horrible is going to happen, I can just tell.”
Flight, fight, panic, or freeze is triggered by non life-threatening situations or even no reason at all
Constantly feeling tense, afraid, irritable, or on edge
Avoiding activities or situations that are important to you
Perpetual procrastination
Struggling to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions
Racing thoughts
Not eating enough
Frequently imagining the worst case scenario
Relying on drugs or alcohol to unwind
Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience in response to stress. In fact, anxiety can be helpful as it can motivate us to take action and to avoid dangerous situations. I've personally battled with anxiety since I was a child. When anxiety becomes too overwhelming, it can start to impact our day-to-day lives. The reality is there is a lot to be anxious about in this life.
We evolved to be highly social creatures because it increased our chances of survival so the fear of rejection is irrationally painful. The more we gain in life, the more we have to lose, so we can't help but worry about our future. There's a lot that can go wrong with the human body but everyone wants to be healthy. To live and find joy is to be vulnerable, and vulnerability can be terrifying.
Over 40 million American adults (close to 20%) suffer from an anxiety disorder (1).
Many of them overcome it with the help of quality anxiety treatment.
Many studies have shown Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to be the most effective treatment for anxiety (2). CBT emphasizes more rational and constructive thoughts to help shift your overall thinking patterns in a healthier direction. It helps people understand on an individualized level where all of those anxious, automatic thoughts come from and why they are so intense.
By exploring your cognitive distortions, values, attitudes, and deep-seated core beliefs about yourself and the world, we identify exactly how to challenge and replace your anxious thoughts over time. This probably seems overwhelming on your own but I’ve completed intensive training in CBT to learn how to give people all of the support they need to understand and stay committed to this process.
I’ve also completed intensive training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy which provides a wealth of specific skills that are also proven to help (3). Mindfulness skills create more calm and sense of control in your life by helping you train your mind to remain present in the moment by being aware of what’s going on inside and around you. They help you be more intentional in how you respond to and focus your thoughts, how you manage your emotions, the actions you choose, and the words you say.
Interpersonal effectiveness skills help reduce anxiety by helping you communicate more effectively and end unhealthy relationships. Emotion regulation skills help you respond to difficult emotions in various ways including when they are really intense. Distress tolerance skills help you manage crises such as when you become flooded and flight, fight, panic, or freeze are triggered.
To provide the most effective anxiety treatment, I combine these approaches and explain the various steps and skills in a way that you are able to understand clearly. Anxiety treatment with me will not only help you learn the concepts but also understand how they apply to your own life and specific circumstances. I often suggest specific things to practice in between sessions and gently provide additional accountability by following up with you on how they went.
We can explore any challenges you face with the skills and how you can overcome them together. Changing your thinking and behavior can be hard to do, and I specialize in supporting you throughout the entire process. Anxiety treatment with me is a lot more than talking about how your week went. I help people implement change on a deeper level in a way that can help you effectively manage your anxiety for the rest of your life.
A good majority of people will agree that talking about your struggles with a compassionate person can help you feel better. Having supportive friends and family in your life who will listen is always important. But sometimes they don’t know the best way to help. For example, they might not understand why you’re so stressed about things they see as small or they might try to offer solutions when you just need to process.
Receiving anxiety treatment from a therapist with advanced training in CBT and DBT will open up a new way of thinking and behaving that will have a far bigger impact over time than talking to friends and family. Most of my clients never even realized how much their anxiety impacted them and how much better they could feel before getting treatment.
A busy lifestyle is one reason why my clients typically prefer meeting online. It eliminates the time spent driving and sitting in traffic. Some clients even meet with me on their lunch break. If you can carve out just 55 minutes per week, you can learn how to balance your life and handle your stress so that almost nothing feels overwhelming anymore.
The techniques from CBT and DBT can make your whole life more manageable. A small investment of time can result in a significant reduction in the sense of chaos that causes you to feel nervous to make the commitment in the first place.
I understand because I’ve been through it myself- feeling irrationally terrified of how others might judge me and fixating on unlikely disaster scenarios. Freezing up at the thought of starting simple tasks. I understand how anxiety affects the brain and thought process, and I love having a career that enables me to share everything that helped me with others who are struggling. Helping you respond to your big emotions and “crazy” thoughts is truly rewarding for me.