Adam Stanford, LPC, LAC
Develop real skills for
sustained success

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT guides you through analyzing your thoughts and forming new, healthier ways of thinking. We explore the connection between your experiences, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and consequences. We identify with specificity how you can intervene with your own thinking patterns to help influence your emotions and actions, thereby increasing the likelihood of more desirable outcomes. CBT places a heavy emphasis on rational thinking and how deep-seated core beliefs filter and shape your life and how you interpret it. Click here for more on CBT.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT provides what I call an encyclopedia of excellent behavioral coping skills which fall into five categories: changing unhealthy behaviors, mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal skills. We work through these skills to identify which ones will be most beneficial for you to integrate into your own life and how you can best utilize them. DBT focuses heavily on the concept of balance, especially between thinking rationally while living with your emotions in a healthy and constructive way, as opposed to trying to avoid or bury them which we know doesn't work. Click here for more on DBT.
Gottman Method Couples Therapy (GMCT)
This approach to couples counseling is by far the most well researched and effective approach available. We work together to identify the strengths and areas needing growth in your relationship. Couples learn and practice tools to help create shared meaning, make life dreams come true, manage conflict and replace behaviors that destroy intimacy, develop a positive perspective, turn towards each other instead of away, share fondness and admiration, and better know each other's inner world. Click here for more on GMCT.

What does a typical individual session look like?
This varies depending on the client including their needs and preferences as well as what is most pressing at the time. Some sessions are entirely dedicated to processing and building awareness and insight which always has its place and value in the treatment process. Many sessions start with a review of the previous week and a discussion of anything you want to get off your chest.
When you've done enough processing, we move on to building new skills together. These proven skills come directly from CBT, DBT, and other evidence-based sources I've picked up along the way. I teach you about the skills and talk you through applying them to your own life and circumstances. A good majority of recovery happens between sessions, not just in the one hour per week or so in which we are meeting. I typically provide suggestions for exercises to complete, skills to practice, or ideas to reflect on to help you continue the process throughout the week. Then I provide follow-up at the next session to help keep you on track as needed.
What does a typical couples session look like?
The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is usually quite structured. We start with highly detailed assessments for each individual and the relationship itself. We then use this wealth of information to identify the strengths and challenges in the relationship and formulate a treatment plan together. The interventions I implement and the skills you will learn are based on the Gottman Sound Relationship House and tailored to your unique needs. We will process whatever is relevant to you at the time and address it within this framework. At times it will be appropriate for me to meet with one person at a time but most of the work is definitely between the couple.